OMET POWERKILL- 102L is laundry sour specially formulated for use in commercial and domestic laundries. This product should be applied in the last rinse to neutralize residual alkali and to reduce traces of active chlorine.
OMET POWERKILL- 102L is an alkali chlorine 'neutraliser'. These substances are mildly acidic and are applied to neutralize alkali present in rinse water and on fabric.
Consequently OMET POWERKTLL- 1 02L prevents yellowing (or galling), caused by residual alkalinity on fabric. In addition it functions as an ' anti-chloro' (reduction process) for traces of chlorine left after the bleach process. Neutralisation of residual chlorine is essential, as traces of chlorine on fabric combined with high temperatures during drying, will damage fabric.
Accidental over-dosing of OMET POWERKILL- 102L will not lead to a too low pH and consequently the risk of fabric damage in minimal.
OMET POWERK1LL- 102L is very effective laundry neutralizer, based on a '2 in l' concept, otherwise 2 products would be needed to achieve the same results.
It can be used for all types of fabric, except for clean-room garments.
The neutralizer should be applied in the last rinse of a washer extractor or in the last section of a continuous batch washer. Please note that some tunnel was her have two sections for neutralization. In that case OMET POWERKILL-102 L should be dosed in the penetration section.
Appearance: Clear homogenous liquid
Soluble in all proportions
Specific Gravity
Recommended level of OMET POWERKILL- 102L= HOO ML to 300 ML per 100 Kg. Cloth to be a bleaching process.
STORAGE : Stable when stored in normal storage conditions. 5/10/20/25Ltr. HOPE Jar.